Just Me

Hi, I am new to blogging and just like to write my thoughts down and share them.  Not really sure how this is all going to work out, but I need a way to share Jesus with others. I already share Jesus with people in my small circles, close friends and co workers, but I feel called to do more and I am just not sure what that more is. I have always been better at writing the words than speaking them, so a blog seemed like the natural thing to do.  We will see and time will tell.

I am a mom of four children (2 of my own and 2 shared with another mom -my step daughters), a wonderful son in law, and five grandchildren, a loving husband, a good job and a great God. We have a a cat that is also part of our crazy family.

It is my hope through this blog that I may be an encouragement to you….to let you know that Jesus LOVES you right where you are, right now.

Thanks for stopping by and be blessed!

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